Launched the first mobile application effectively, so you can do all your queries, the easiest and fastest way!APP is available to customers and non-customers effectively (residents in Argentina)Our APP has a simple and user-friendly design, to find the easiest way, all the information youre looking for.You can meet all our member stores, promotions and benefits in force. Also, you will see the information from all our branches and contact us the way you prefer: by telephone, by mail or by whats app.If you approach our branch to register your key, then you will see from the APP all your available limits for cash advances and purchases in shops. If you want to consult on a personal loan, You just need to complete the form and we will contact you to give you the best advice!Also, you can check the status of your account and see if there are arrears. If you prune not approach our branches, complete the form and an advisor will contact collection.In a very simple way, we show the details of your transactions, balances payable and upcoming maturities, so you can organize yourself better!Everything you were expecting, now at your fingertips!